World Children’s Day

Dear Sisters, Novices and Postulants,
Dear Associates and Friends,
Greetings to you!

On May 25 and 26, 2024, the first World Children’s Day will be celebrated in Rome, Italy, welcoming children from all over the world.

In his message of March 2, 2024, Pope Francis addresses each and every child, and reminds them that they truly are a “source of joy” not only for their parents and family, “but also for our human family and for the Church”. He then encourages them “not to forget all those other children and young people who are already battling illness and hardship, in hospital or at home, and those who even now are being cruelly robbed of their childhood.” (Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the first World Children’s Day, March 2, 2024). The care for children in need is one of the primary apostolic works of our congregation since its foundation. (OWL #52) We happily join the Holy Father in the celebration of this day.

“Behold, I make all things new” (Rev 21:5), is the theme Pope Francis has chosen for this first World Children’s Day: “These words invite us to become as clever as children in grasping the new realities stirred up by the Spirit, both within us and around us. With Jesus, we can dream of the renewal of our human family and work for a more fraternal society that cares for our common home.” These are words that remind us of the theme of our 23rd General Assembly: “Rooted in Christ: We see, we renew, we serve”.

The Holy Father encourages the children, and all of us to be true friends with one another: “Friendship is wonderful and it grows only in this way: through sharing and forgiving, with patience, courage, creativity and imagination, without fear and without prejudice.” Then he shares a “special secret” with the children: “If we really want to be happy, we need to pray, to pray a lot, to pray every day, because prayer connects us directly to God.” Prayer is essential to the life of our religious community, for it brings us together to express our faith, hope and love (OWL #38).

As Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother, let us continue to pray and serve “to bring fuller life to others, especially the poor.” Let us join the Holy Father in his prayer with the children:

“Together with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, let us pray in these words:

Come, Holy Spirit,
show us your beauty,
reflected in the faces of children all over the world.
Come, Jesus,
you who make all things new,
who are the way that leads us to the Father,
come and remain with us always.

Sr. Samuela Maria Rigon
General Superior

Att. Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the first World Children’s Day, March 2, 2024